Wlelcome.... 2


The personal webpage of two Pennsylvanian Communists.

[-materialist dialectics-][-film commentaries-]
[-news from the land of steel-][-the epic images of all time-]
«When we are victorious on a world scale ... we shall use gold for the purpose of building public lavatories in the streets of some of the largest cities of the world. This would be the most “just” and most educational way of utilising gold for the benefit of these generations which have not forgotten how, for the sake of gold, ten million men were killed and thirty million maimed in the “great war for freedom”, the war of 1914-18, the war that was waged to decide the great question of which peace was the worst, that of Brest or that of Versailles; and how, for the sake of this same gold, they certainly intend to kill twenty million men and to maim sixty million in a war, say, in 1925, or 1928, [or... 1939] between, say, Japan and the U.S.A., or between Britain and the U.S.A., or something like that.» -- The historical party. Pravda, n. 251, nov. 6-7, 1921.

When the moment of reckoning arrives, our first move will be to tear down all of the densest cities in the world. In New York city, after evacuating the whole damn place, there will be left only the ruins of a bygone world. In its place we will build our first great monuments to the lives of the valiant militants, who put aside the hysterical bourgeois, individualistic fear of death to take up the struggle for the common cause of the world proletariat.

In the center of the ruins of New York city we shall erect a monument: an enormous golden pyramid full of golden toilets, with a public cafeteria in the center. The spirit of Amadeo Bordiga himself will be cooking up the most extravagant of golden pizzas to serve to the hoardes of workers traveling from all over the world to visit this new proletarian Mecca.

A placard looms over the entry way: "Here lies Civilization. We greet it solemnly and with joy." People tend to forget the meaning of this word. It is the high synthesis of our historic mission. To finally once again live in harmony with the Earth, we as a species shall overcome all of the shackles we call "civilization"; we will wipe all cities and countrysides off the map, using the powerful weapons provided us by our enemies, by the bourgeoisie, by the scientific revolution of the 1500s, by the industrial revolution of the 1700s, by the technological revolution of the 1870s, by the quantum and relativisitic revolutions of the 1900s, in a word: by civilization itself.

A toast, then, to the filling and bursting of bourgeois civilization!

The comments posted to this web page, unless stated otherwise, are all personal opinions, conjecture, or notes, and should not be taken as the doctrine of the International Communist Party. This page belongs to two close friends and comrades and therefore is subject to error, sometimes grave.

No individual is capable of fully communist consciousness. Scientific communism is an impersonal doctrine only capable of being wielded by a proletarian party considered as a collective organ through the process of collectivistic, scientific elaboration. It represents the socialization of human thought itself, the communist production of consciousness: a hive mind, a social brain. In a world where the bourgeois sciences are gradually losing their capacity develop or criticize themselves any further, the party represents the ultimate organ for peer criticism, for peer review. These facts have seen themselves affirmed first in the realm of historiography, and now, today, even in the natural sciences as well.

The historic mission of bourgeois science, philosophy and art has been the collection of new information and material. Inevitably structured by commercial relationships according to professions, according to divisions of labor, it has pursued this route in closed compartments, in the form of specialized knowledge: biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, historiography, art and film, literature, etc. It started with the great polymaths of the 1500s and will end with the great polymathic communist party of the future. It has become time to connect all the pieces together again, after having increasingly separated them over the past 7 or so centuries, which requires the reaffirmation of general knowledge, the combination of all sciences into an organic unity via dialectical criticism. This is something only the party of the proletariat can do.

We make a bold declaration: A grand unified theory of everything is impossible under capitalism. Further developments of comprehensive scientific understanding of reality are becoming increasingly less possible for capitalist society and eventually we will reach the critical point after which all meaningful bourgeois contributions to the human culture come to a close.

"The Manifesto does full justice to the revolutionary part played by capitalism in the past. The first capitalist nation was Italy. The close of the feudal Middle Ages, and the opening of the modern capitalist era are marked by a colossal figured: an Italian, Dante, both the last poet of the Middle Ages and the first poet of modern times. Today, as in 1300, a new historical era is approaching. Will Italy give us the new Dante, who will mark the hour of birth of this new, proletarian era?" (1893 Italian Preface to the Manifesto)

Let the proletarian Renaissance begin.

We ask all anti-communists, and all skeptics, to leave their prejudices at the door. You have been lied to your entire life about what communism actually is in the first place, by everyone, even the so-called "socialist" states. The bourgeoisie has a vested interest in lying to you, filling your head with lying slop and false preconceptions. By failing to realize this and criticize yourself accordingly, you will be doing yourself a grave disservice.

This is more than a place for us to post political propaganda. We will be posting our thoughts and feelings about films, cartoons, and suchlike. Not all entries will be in English. // Quest'e' piu' che un posto in cui scriveremo la propaganda. Scriveremo delle arte, dei film, delle cartoni, e altre cose, non soltanto in inglese.

Finally we must say there will be a degree of silliness involved. We do not take ourselves completely seriously. Nobody should. We are here first of all to clarify our thoughts and feelings, to express ourselves, and to have fun doing it.

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